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Conversation Sparks PDF Print E-mail
Conversation Sparks...Fueling conversations about libraries

Do you want to know what others in the country are doing in their libraries? Are you curious about the library world beyond your own stacks? Do you have a topic of particular interest to the library community that you would like to discuss? Maybe you had a great conversation during a breakout session at a conference that you would like to explore in more depth. Join us online for Conversation Sparks!

Conversation Sparks is a way to facilitate a large-scale conversation with librarians around the country. In this virtual environment, participants will meet with the purpose of exchanging ideas, exploring best practices, and learning from others in the profession. It is a way to break paradigms and learn from the examples of others in an environment of respect and understanding.

Each session will feature a new topic of conversation centered on the needs, concerns, and trends in today’s libraries. Speakers will consist of volunteers from the library community and beyond with a common goal of advocating and sharing their particular area of expertise. A subject expert will introduce the topic which will be followed by examples in the field from around the country. Sessions are not meant to be static, but are intended to spark conversations, generate new ideas, ignite passions, and help fuel enthusiasm for the profession.

Tech-Savvy Kids: recorded 8.27.13
Community Partnerships: recorded 9.23.13

STEM in Libraries: recorded 10.28.13

Library Programming for Special Needs: recorded 11.12.13



What innovations are you doing at your library? We are looking for volunteers to participate as subject area experts as well as volunteers to share examples of pictures and descriptions from programs, events, clubs, and more.

Speakers are needed on the following topics:

  • Comic books and graphic novels at the library
  • Diversity in and out of the stacks
  • Libraries as the heart of the community- advocating beyond libraries
  • Innovative use of Social Media at the Library
  • Mental Health and the Library
  • Serving GLBTQ Communities
  • Library Programming Best Practices
  • Teen Library Programs Beyond Crafts
  • Innovative  Library Collections
If you have a project or program that you think might fit one of these categories, please contact Jennifer Hopwood at jhopwood[at]somd.lib.md.us . Have a different topic in mind? Volunteer to be a subject matter expert to help facilitate the conversation.
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